Thursday 31 October 2013

Beat the Festive Calorie Load..!!

"By Nancy Jajodia"
"Oh my God! I've put on so much after this Diwali"......
Festivals are incomplete without sweets and those tempting fried snacks. But this time, don't let those heavy workouts and all the efforts you have put in to stay fit, go in vain. 

During festival, we switch off our mental calorie count alert and binge on snacks and sweets. It becomes difficult to avoid calorie dense food. All we need to do is, eat these things in moderation and control our cravings. Follow these easy steps...

  • Keep a regime for physical activity. Even if you are busy, don't forget to burn off those calories by going for a brisk walk or by performing yoga, aerobics, etc..
  • See that you keep yourself hydrated. Drinking water will make you feel partially full. Drink a glass of water before having meals.
  • Limit the portion size! Serve in small plates and small bowls.
  • Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet in order to avoid gorging on calorie loaded foods . This will increase the fibre content and will give a feeling of fullness.
  • Eat your salad serving before indulgence. 
  • Instead of cold drinks and packed fruit juices, choose fresh fruit juices, fruit punches, lemonades, lemon juice, iced tea, cold coffee.
  • Prefer baked, steamed or roasted over fried. 
  • Chocolates surely makes a tempting platter during festival, but this temptation makes us lose the count, but limit the number. So, why not choose dark chocolate?? Go for dark chocolates as they contain antioxidants which are good for overall health. 
  • This festive season, eat less and talk more. Engage yourself and you won't crave for unhealthy snacks.
.........make sure you don't say this while weighing yourself this Diwali. Stay healthy throughout the festive season by just being a little cautious and smart about what you choose and eat. 

                               "WISHING YOU ALL A HEALTHY DIWALI"