Monday 14 October 2013

Whats this blog all about?? Read on......

Many would agree if we say 'Food is our first love'. It is indeed an amazing creation of god which can swing our mood from that puffy face to an innocent child like smile. Ask someone who is home sick, what do they miss the most? and the universal answer would be 'Maa ke haath ka khana', even if it is the simplest meal, its yet so scrumptious and satisfying. Food is the easiest key to the heart, but the same key can open varied doors for us. There can be doors leading to a bright healthy life or doors to ill health. Food can either make us or break us. Our body is like a bank account, smarter the investments, greater the returns. 

Then, why not learn and expand our knowledge in mastering the art of investing smartly and in the most healthiest way? So, here we are, a trio of nutritionists, Vriti, Apurva & Nancy to share interesting insights from the food world.

Watch out for all the goody foody posts and together lets create a 'healthy perception'....

And What Is Our Ultimate Goal???


  1. healthy start to ur blog, will be really inspirational... waiting for more.. :)
