Friday 22 November 2013

Dark Chocolate…The Super food..
"By Nancy Jajodia"

Chocolates….yummm….Hearing this word in itself creates a good feel…A feeling that you can die for..

          One common problem faced by someone on a diet is to avoid eating chocolates. Resisting this calorie loaded food becomes difficult. But, here’s a good news J.. 

          It has been proved that dark chocolate—sweet, rich, and delicious—does more than curing a broken heart. Cocoa, which is the main ingredient, is the main source of benefits in dark chocolate. The good feel - feelings of well being and happiness, after eating chocolate is the effect of cocoa on brain. It helps to reduce depression and gives relaxation.

          Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and raise the levels of good cholesterol. Dark chocolates also contain Resveratrol, which a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from heart disease and helps to lower the blood pressure.

          This little bean acts as a bullet. Eating dark chocolate can have some wonderful effects on your body. But that's no license to go on a chocolate binge. But you have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things. So, remember "Dark” when you select chocolates at the chocolate counter. And remember the word "moderate" as you nibble.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

     Diabetes - Myths and Facts
            "By Vriti Srivastav"
Are you a diabetic? Or Is anyone in your family a diabetic? I am sure at-least one of the two questions will have 80% positive response. Diabetes is a rising epidemic in India and has become the most common lifestyle disease. 
Do you know November 14 is not just children's day but also celebrated as 'World Diabetes Day'. This day is celebrated because it is important to spread awareness. Lot of questions might be popping up in your mind every now and then. Below are few common myths that I have come across in my counselling experience. Read on, clear your doubts and post your queries....

Myth – High Sugar intake results in Diabetes.

Fact – Diabetes is majorly of two types. Type 1 and 2. Type 1 is genetic while type 2 can be due to factors like genetic or heredity, lifestyle, and stress. Eating too much sugar does increase the glucose load in the blood making your pancreas work extra and leads to weight gain as well. But this can be caused by eating simple-carbohydrate loaded meals too. Lifestyle and diet overall are one of the causes of type 2 diabetes, not sugar alone.

Myth – Fruits cannot be eaten in diabetes as they are sweet. 

Fact – In diabetes, it is the type and quantity of carbohydrate that matters. Fruits are very much essential for our body. Fruits with good amount of fiber are more preferable as it aides in slow release of glucose in the body. Having diabetes doesn't mean you have to compromise on your favourite fruit. It is the quantity you need to take care of. One serving of fruit should give you 15 grams of carbohydrate.

Listed below are amount of fruits that give 15 grams of carbohydrate –
1 small apple, 1 small banana, ¾ cup grapefruit, 1 kiwi, 1 ¼ cup watermelon cubes, 1 ¼ cup whole strawberries,4 whole fresh apricots, 3/4th cup pineapple, 1 pear (100gms), 1 peach(100 gms), ½ small mango (1/2 cup), ½ cup papaya, 2 small plums, 1 cup honeydew cubes, ½ cup fruit cocktail.

Myth – If I have diabetes, I will have to take insulin.

Fact – Type 1 diabetics have to depend on insulin all life as pancreas stop to make insulin completely due to destruction of beta cells. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled through oral medicine and lifestyle modification. Insulin may be required at a later stage if the blood sugar control of the body is not good. In type 2 diabetics, once a good control has been established, insulin may be withdrawn by the doctor. Further treatment will be through oral medicines and lifestyle modification.

Myth – Diabetes is only of two types – type 1 and type 2. 

Fact – Since type 1 and 2 are the most common forms of diabetes, they are known to most people. Diabetes is an umbrella word with many types under it. There are mainly three types of diabetes –
Type 1- This is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile onset diabetes as it occurs in the young.
Type 2 – Non – insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes – This is seen during pregnancy when there are high blood sugar levels. This type of diabetes usually disappears after pregnancy, but the mother and the child are at increased risk of developing diabetes later in life.
Secondary diabetes – Apart from the three major types, there is another type called secondary diabetes which occurs due to certain medical conditions such as injury, pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, PCOS, etc. This type of diabetes may be temporary or permanent depending upon the severity.
LADA – (Latent auto-immune diabetes in adults) – This is a slowly progressing variation of type 1 diabetes which occurs at an age of 35 years or older. This is often misdiagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

Myth – I don’t have a family history of diabetes, so I am safe.

Fact – Heredity is only one of the risk factors of diabetes. Diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes can also be caused due to stress, lifestyle, age and gestational diabetes.

Myth – Exercising is not much important for a diabetic.

Fact – Exercise is essential for everyone. Exercise increases the body’s capability to utilize insulin and maintain or lower weight. Exercise doesn't mean you have to go to the gym or lift weights. A simple walk for 40 to 45 minutes is sufficient. You need to be physically active and maintain a good routine and diet to keep your blood sugars in control. If its raining outside, walk at home, but do not skip physical activity.

Myth – It is possible to have ‘little diabetes.

Fact – When you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is never little or more. So don't wait for it to disappear on its own and start a treatment plan immediately. If you have impaired glucose tolerance, you are likely to develop diabetes in near future. So, if you have diabetes, you need to pay great attention to it and develop a treatment plan with your doctor and counsellor.