Friday 22 November 2013

Dark Chocolate…The Super food..
"By Nancy Jajodia"

Chocolates….yummm….Hearing this word in itself creates a good feel…A feeling that you can die for..

          One common problem faced by someone on a diet is to avoid eating chocolates. Resisting this calorie loaded food becomes difficult. But, here’s a good news J.. 

          It has been proved that dark chocolate—sweet, rich, and delicious—does more than curing a broken heart. Cocoa, which is the main ingredient, is the main source of benefits in dark chocolate. The good feel - feelings of well being and happiness, after eating chocolate is the effect of cocoa on brain. It helps to reduce depression and gives relaxation.

          Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and raise the levels of good cholesterol. Dark chocolates also contain Resveratrol, which a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from heart disease and helps to lower the blood pressure.

          This little bean acts as a bullet. Eating dark chocolate can have some wonderful effects on your body. But that's no license to go on a chocolate binge. But you have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things. So, remember "Dark” when you select chocolates at the chocolate counter. And remember the word "moderate" as you nibble.

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate.... Hmmm...! Certainly worth dying for. ;)
