Friday 6 December 2013

CHROMIUM... the Wonder Mineral..!!


"Apoorva K. Saptarshi"

 CHROMIUM”... The most hyped and talked about mineral these days.!!

As we all know, diabetes, heart diseases, deranged lipid profiles are getting just too common and every second home have at least one person having any one from the above diseases.
Let’s get more acquainted with this “WONDER MINERAL”..!!

Chromium is a trace metal or a micro nutrient meaning we don't need a lot to meet our AI (Adequate Intake) and any inadequate intake of chromium can be resolved with a healthy eating plan.
Walter Mertz a physician and research scientist in the U.S. discovered that chromium played a key role in carbohydrate metabolism, possibly by participating in formation of a special compound which he named "glucose tolerance factor," or GTF.

GTF is the Factor which helps the cells to accept the glucose and release energy. Chromium is one of the elements which along with the GTF help in carrying out this action.
After a meal, blood glucose levels begin to rise, and, in response, the pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels by increasing the rate in which glucose enters the cells. To accomplish this, insulin must be able to attach to receptors on the surface of cells.
GTF is believed to initiate the attachment of insulin to the insulin receptors.

Chromium may also participate in cholesterol metabolism, suggesting a role for this mineral in maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. It also contributes in building up DNA. It increases immunity, regulates food cravings, and the body’s use of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Chromium is very useful in preventing memory loss and hold further worsening due to Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, it helps in preventing  Acne, Obesity and Psoriasis too.

The best source of chromium is true brewer’s yeast. Chromium is also found in grains and cereals, though much of it is lost when these foods are refined. Vitamin C helps in better absorption  of Chromium.

Most of the multivitamin chromium supplements contain small amounts of chromium. Many varieties of chromium supplements are also available on the market

A daily intake of 200 mcg is recommended. It is relatively easy to get safe and adequate amounts of chromium by eating a variety of foods like broccoli, grape juice, whole grains, potatoes, and orange juice.

So, What are you waiting for…..?? Just grab a glass of Orange juice and Explore the goodness of CHROMIUM..!!

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